Our booking system is a simplified process. You can place a booking request online on our website or you can call our contact number (317) 939-3769. Our team after verification finds the nearest truck for you.
Once our system receives your booking, you will be notified of the approximate distance that your goods will travel, and accordingly your bill amount will be calculated. With our fare calculator, we instantaneously give you the best rate online.
You will receive an auto-generated invoice on your registered e-mail ID once the consignment has been delivered.
You can definitely do so. However, extra costs for the extra point of delivery or pick-up will be levied accordingly. Our team will provide you with the additional cost incurred at the time of booking.
All services confirmed through us include only transportation of goods. If any manpower & packing assistance is needed, we will give assistance in arranging as per requirement at extra cost. We do not guarantee packing and labour services.
In case of Advance booking customers have to pay a token amount via ACH / Wire Transfer / PayCargo for booking confirmation. Once the truck arrives pickup location customers has to pay 80% or 90 % at the time of loading and balance amount at the time of arrival before unloading.